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Superdrol is sold as an oral substance and its use can provide high anabolic properties while suppressing the androgenic potential effects.

The substance is studies as not to convert testosterone in estrogen and also not promote the progestational activities.

It does not gain traction as compared to another products

It is having mixed reactions among the users, some have also gained maximum advantages  with the sue of this anabolic steroid. Buy superdrol online



Active Ingredient: Methasterone

Packing: 50 tabs (50 mg/tab)

Benefits of Odin Superdrol 50Mg for bodybuilding

Superdrol is sold as an oral substance and its use can provide high anabolic properties while suppressing the androgenic potential effects.

The substance is studies as not to convert testosterone in estrogen and also not promote the progestational activities.

It does not gain traction as compared to another products

It is having mixed reactions among the users, some have also gained maximum advantages  with the sue of this anabolic steroid

Increased growth. One of the main reasons people use steroids in any form is because they want to improve the results of their workouts. Steroids are great for this because they increase the effects of testosterone in the body. Testosterone is known to increase the amount of muscle growth in the body, so taking a steroid like Methasterone can certainly help increase the amount of muscle you gain after a hefty workout.


Increased libido. One of the first effects that steroids can experience is an increase in libido. This is especially true if you are struggling with a medical condition like hypogonadism, in which your body cannot produce enough testosterone on its own.

This is great for shortening. Even if you’re hoping to just cut fat instead of building muscle, methasterone can help you. It accelerates growth and tones muscle mass, helping to shed those extra pounds.

Increases strength. Superdrol is known to help increase a person’s strength more than other steroids. Some people report significant gains of up to 25% in strength after one Superdrol cycle.


Prevents infection by injection. Injecting anything, including steroids, can lead to a variety of problems, not the least of which is infection at the injection site. Since Superdrol is orally active, it poses no risk of infection.

Side effects of Odin Superdrol 50Mg


Water retention, which may look like your muscles are swelling when in reality your body is just holding onto water.


Dosage of Odin Superdrol 50Mg for bodybuilding

10-20 mg per day

What does Superdrol do to your body?

Methyldrostanolone is a modified version of Drostanolone that works as the active steroidal hormone in this compound. As a matter of fact, it further encompasses the methyl group at the 2nd and 17th carbon ranking.

Essentially, these are modifications that multiply its anabolic tendencies and take its rating to 400.

The mechanism it uses to generate Superdrol bodybuilding effects is no different from any anabolic substance like steroids or SARMs. It recreates the properties of testosterone, which is a male sex hormone known for its anabolic effects or stimulating anabolism.

Superdrol binds to the androgen receptors of the muscles and activates androgen signaling, leading to a rise in protein synthesis. The metabolic process supports the making of protein, which then contributes to muscle recuperation and an increase in muscle mass.

Superdrol half-life is short (8-12 hours) and its traces remain in the system for approximately 48 hours.

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Superdrol Benefits:

The efficacy of this anabolic compound has been a long-standing issue. This is because the drug is available on the black market, where imitation and dilution of substances are common practices.

Nonetheless, professionals who essentially followed the Superdrol cycle claim that it is an aggressive steroid that encourages some impressive gains. These improvements normally take place in areas like muscular recovery, growth, and athletic performance.

Some surefire Superdrol gains are:

  • Muscle growth:

The steroid has a vital role in the growth and development of muscles that one can record between 15-20 lbs. This goes to its tendency to activate protein synthesis, which makes muscle-building after those grueling workouts easier

  • Hyper strength:

Superdrol works for competitive fire and progressive overload by stepping up the strength levels. This holistic approach is relatable to the properties of testosterone that mainly work for muscular strength and power

  • Faster recovery:

Investing yourself in hardcore training is one way to pack on mass, the other, however, is to encourage post-workout recovery. Superdrol is extremely powerful in inducing muscle recuperation that involves rebuilding and growing muscle fibers after stressful training sessions

  • Bigger pumps:

Chasing the pump is no short of a bodybuilder’s instinct! And Superdrol is particularly good for that puffed up look. The steroid boosts the absorption of glycogen within the muscle cells that largely influences the way muscles inflate or pump

  • Higher vascularity:

The steroid contributes to dry gains and vascularity, which adds to the masculine charm. Unlike most compounds, it does not aromatize, boost progesterone, estrogen or transform into estrogen. So it does not work against muscle definition through increasing water retention at the extracellular level

Superdrol cycle:

Superdrol dosage strength of 10-20 mg is commonly used to achieve the best results. The pattern mostly lasts for 4 weeks, but some choose to extend it to 5–6 weeks as well.

Likewise, some go for a more aggressive strength such as 30 or even 40 mg at a given time. However, bear in mind that this steroid is extremely hard on the liver and health. So, any change in its concentration or duration can lead to serious harm.

Now, since Superdrol is potent and works in a rapid manner, users can smartly break the daily limit into two. They can consume 10mg of the compound at one point of the day, preferably in the morning, and another 10mg in the evening. By this, they can ensure less harm to their serum testosterone and bring down the risks of side effects.

However, despite the precautions, do not expect Superdrol to be gentle with you in any way or form. Similar to any AAS, it jeopardizes health and demands serious supervision throughout the course. Plus, to lower the added stress on the liver, avoid any prescribed drugs, PEDs, or stacking of other steroids.

If not, superdrol will trigger hepatotoxicity, which may or may not take a reverse gear.

Superdrol Side Effects:

In general, professionals discourage the use of Superdrol for beginners because of their low tolerance for its highly toxic nature. As per the members of the UCLA Olympic Lab, it is an extremely hazardous compound with some serious aftermaths for users. Keeping its potency aside, the level of damage and toxicity it generates is stronger and faster than other AAS.

Some anabolic complications of Superdrol are:

  • An imbalance of HDL and LDL due to hepatic lipase enzyme activation
  • Constriction of blood vessels leads to an intense rise in blood circulation
  • Jaundice and liver toxicity caused by the repeated breakdown of the compound (C-17 alpha-alkylated and methylated)


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